A broken fence post is a common cause for a leaning wooden fence; unfortunately, fence posts frequently rot due to their constant exposure to damp soil and wood-eating insects. However, if your leaning fence is due to a broken fence post, you can repair the damage yourself and get your fence standing tall again. Below is more info on how to do it:
How to fix a leaning fence with a broken post - tools and materials needed
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If you are looking for inexpensive ways to make a trellis for your raised garden bed, consider using wire fencing and bamboo plant stakes. These make attractive and functional trellises for both flowers and lightweight veggies like beans, peas and cucumbers. While nearly any wire fencing can be used to make a trellis, gardeners frequently choose chicken wire because it is relatively inexpensive and provides the support small vining plants need.
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If you're looking for a new fence for your yard, you can save some money by recycling or reusing your old chain link fence. Chain link fencing has plenty of use still left in it, and can be put to use in other people's yards or even in your community. Even if you can't find a way to reuse chain link, it is always best to recycle than to simply throw it away.
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